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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Theory: How To Sell Out A Show

I am back, and have been chatting with the lead singer about playing live and the options we have. He came up with this great idea - now, from everything I have heard, in theory it looks like it could work and it could work well. Important to note, that we haven't tried it yet obviously, but it's definitely got potential. Check it out and see what you think:

How To Sell Out A Show

  • Firstly, print 600 tickets (or maximum capacity of venue) that will cost $5 to purchase.
  • You then get people along by going out and selling them a ticket however, not many people will be interested in buying a ticket to see a band they have never heard of. So you then offer them a ticket (or a couple of tickets) for free. Be sure to tell them "look, there's only 40 tickets left, how bout I give you tickets for you and a couple of mates free!". This way (although you don't have only 40 tickets left) you are giving that person the idea that it's going to be a great night out because a) it's nearly sold out already; and b) they are getting in free! This will encourage and make it successful before it actually is. And let's face it, people love to get something for nothing. But ensure that you are only giving these tickets to people that are really keen to go.
  • An added idea for getting the tickets out to people is to pass on 50 or so to local radio stations to give away, and possibly other media outlets. The whole point of this is to make the even look successful before it actually is! If people think a venue is selling out - it encourages them to go... they don't want to miss out.
  • You then get the venue to pay you $350 (if not more) for costs (based on getting half those tickets/heads along). Let's face it - they will be on the make with a (near) full bar, and you shouldn't have to fork out money and let the show cost you. So the venue gets full, sells drinks and makes more money on the bar, and you (the band) gets an audience, thus gaining exposure and starting your following.
  • On the night, put a $5 door charge on for extra's who didn't get a ticket. If the venue is pumping, but you're not at capacity - you will always get people off the street wanting to join the party.
  • Now I suggest you do this as a once off to help build a profile in each city.
  • No advertising is needed as tickets are given away to get the numbers along. However, posters can be put up though for general awareness, also get it into all the local gig guides - including local radio.
Hope this helps - I happen to think it's got great potential for a band just starting out! A big ups to the lead singer for this idea... I think he has a hidden talent for marketing!! haha


Richard Anderson said...

Great to see some positive ideas there, it is important that although you're the manager that you do indeed listen to the artist (something that can often get lost in the mix when managers/artists have different ideas). I think this idea has some merit and will look forward to reading how it goes once put into practice ???

Anonymous said...

I agree with both the post and Breakfree's comments - this definitely has the potential to attract a paying audience. Even if you only end up selling half the tickets, it's probably still double the amount you might normally have sold (if not more).

Good luck, and keep us posted as to how it went! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with both the post and Breakfree's comments - this definitely has the potential to attract a paying audience. Even if you only end up selling half the tickets, it's probably still double the amount you might normally have sold (if not more).

Good luck, and keep us posted as to how it went! :)

Richard Anderson said...

Thanks Danny, its good to know you're interested in what Deb's up to here. I checked your site out too and was suitably impressed. Great to know theres some likeminded people from afar, Ontario being a cool place i know some good folks there (WILD family members included LOL)


Rokchic said...

Hey guys, thanks for your support and positive comments. Yes I will certainly keep you updated - don't you worry about that! Will let you know how it all goes.

Thanks for reading!